Volume 6 Issue 1 (2010): Autoethnography as Research Practice
Radical Directions in Autoethnographic Practice

Opening My Voice, Claiming My Space: Theorizing the Possibilities of Postcolonial Approaches to Autoethnography

Archana A. Pathak
Virginia Commonwealth University
Published September 3, 2010
  • autoethnography,
  • postcolonial studies,
  • communication studies,
  • women of color,
  • feminist methods


This essay examines the ways in which postcoloniality and autoethnography can be integrated to create a space of scholarly inquiry that disrupts the colonialist enterprise prevalent in the academy. By utilizing González's four ethics of postcolonial ethnography, this essay presents an ethics for postcolonial autoethnography as a mode to build a body of scholarly research that disrupts scientific imperialism.