Volume 6 Issue 1 (2010): Autoethnography as Research Practice
Collaborative Autoethnographic Practice

Exemplifying Collaborative Autoethnographic Practice via Shared Stories of Mothering

Patricia Geist-Martin
School of Communication, San Diego State University
Lisa Gates
San Diego Christian College
Liesbeth Wiering
San Diego Miramar College
Erika Kirby
Creighton University
Renee Houston
University of Puget Sound
Anne Lilly
San Diego State University
Juan Moreno
San Diego State University
Published August 30, 2010
  • mothering,
  • autoethnography,
  • everyday moments,
  • identity,
  • cultural script


In this piece, we articulate the "collaborative autoethnographic practice" we utilized to illustrate the complexities of mothering that involved: (a) individually writing autoethnographic narratives on mothering, (b) sharing these autoethnographic narratives in a public forum, (c) publicly discussing the heuristic commonalities across these autoethnographic narratives, (d) tying those commonalities back to the literature, and (e) revisiting the autoethnographic narratives for aspects of social critique where our autoethnographic narratives (intentionally or unintentionally) hegemonicaly reproduced cultural scripts. We argue that presenting knowledge of mothering in this way, through collaborative autoethnographic practice, creates a myriad of opportunities for growth and self-reflexivity, and our stories illuminate a part of our existence that often remains unexamined in other methodologies.