Volume 3 Issue 2 (2007): On Beyond Interdisciplinarity

Introduction: Centering on the Edge

Anne Dalke
Bryn Mawr College
Elizabeth McCormack
Bryn Mawr College
Published November 19, 2007


As the international academic enterprise settles into the first decade of the twenty-first century, the future of our work is in flux. Academic specializations established a century ago no longer adequately reflect the growing points of human thought, and the opening of higher education to wider populations of students has challenged the relevance of traditional disciplines for future lives and careers. In this context, teachers and scholars have been rethinking the academic enterprise and the functions it serves for their students; new centers are being organized around what was once thought to mark the edge of knowledge-making. At Bryn Mawr College in the USA, where many of the contributors of this special issue teach, the Center for Science in Society has been an important locus for such restructuring.